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Madonna slams Karl Lagerfeld fat Adele comments

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Tuesday, March 13, 2012 | , , ,

Earlier this year it was reported that Chanel fashion house boss Karl Lagerfeld had criticised British singer Adele for being too fat. Now, Madonna has spoken out against Karl, claiming that nobody should ever say anything bad about anyone.
Madonna explained, "That's horrible. That's ridiculous, that's just the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I don't like it when anybody says anything bad about anyone - I don't like it. Adele's a great talent and how much she weighs has nothing to do with it."

She added, "The thing for Adele to remember is at the end of the day, whether you rise or fall, it has so much to do with how you sustain yourself and keep your integrity and your inner strength. It is all about who you surround yourself with - friends and people who really do care about you, and care about your well-being beyond being a superstar. That's the most important thing."

Karl Lagerfeld has since retracted what he was believed to have said, claiming that his comments were taken out of context. Meanwhile, Madonna is set to release her second single, Girl Gone Wild from her forthcoming album MDNA. 

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