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Miley Cyrus Responds To Twitter Attack For 'Forget Jesus' Tweet

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Wednesday, March 7, 2012 | , ,

Heaven forbid Miley Cyrus believes in the Big Bang theory, and no, we're not talking about the CBS sitcom.

The 19-year-old pop star and actress recently came under fire for tweeting the word "Beautiful" and a photo of theoretical physicist Laurence Krauss, with the quote: "You are all stardust. You couldn't be here if stars hadn't exploded... So forget Jesus. Stars died so you could live."

Cyrus' haters and fans alike became enraged and wondered if the singer has given up her Christian faith, with some even telling her to go to hell.

Cyrus has taken the attack in stride and continues to prove she knows how to deal with her detractors. On March 6, Cyrus responded to the backlash:

"How can people take the love out of science and bring hate into religion so easily?" she asked, before quoting Albert Einstein. "It makes me sad to think the world is this way. Like Einstein says 'Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.'"

The attack on Cyrus comes a week after the star announced she wouldn't tolerate threats and called on Twitter to make its microblogging service a safer and less hostile environment. 

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