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Nicki Minaj writing a couple of books

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Tuesday, March 13, 2012 | , ,


Nicki Minaj is writing two books.

The 'Super Bass' hitmaker - who already has her own nail polish range, a shade of M.A.C. lipstick and is planning a fashion line - is to turn her hand to a new venture and has revealed to fans she now wants to add author to her resume.

Asked if she would ever consider writing a book, she tweeted: "Wrkng on 2 books actually...(sic)"

Nicki has admitted she has set her sights on expanding her career beyond music to create an "empire" that would rival hip-hop mogul Jay-Z, who is involved with a number of ventures, including a basketball team, clothing line and nightclubs.

She told Allure magazine: "I never thought about music as just being the end-all, be-all. I always looked at it like a business, something that I could create an empire out of. So that's why I'm only about to put out my second album and I'm already thinking about this.

"I had a little conversation with Jay-Z at the Victoria's Secret fashion show. He said, 'Congratulations on all your success.' And I was like, 'Yeah, I'm coming for you. I'm coming for your spot, Mr. Mogul.' "

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