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Rihanna on Ashton Kutcher romance rumours: I'm single'

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Thursday, March 29, 2012 | , ,


Rumours of a secret meeting between Rihanna and Ashton sparked a Twitter storm as people speculated whether the pair are actually together.

However, they need wonder no more as Rihanna has put an end to the gossip at a press conference for her new film Battleship.

A reporter was given short shrift when she asked the We Found Love singer whether she is as happy in her private life as she is in her professional life.

After being asked if Brits would be 'seeing an appearance from a certain Mr Ashton Kutcher', a clearly unimpressed Rihanna retorted: 'I'm single and I'm happy, if that's what you're asking.'

Gossip surrounding the Barbados-born singer and the Two And A Half Men star reached fever pitch this week after the singer was reportedly spotted making a late-night visit to the actor's home in LA and leaving about four hours later.

The reason for Rihanna's midnight visit is still unknown.

Ashton is not the only man the Battleship actress has been linked to.

Recently, rumours of a relationship with rapper Drake surfaced after they were filmed getting cosy in the video for Take Care.

But Drake, speaking to Tim Westwood, denied the reports, saying: 'Me and Rihanna have a great connection, but no, we're not together.'

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