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See Kristen Stewart as a Vampire in Breaking Dawn

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Monday, March 12, 2012 | ,

In the final moments of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1, Kristen Stewart's character Bella Swan was turned into a vampire by her immortal husband Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson).

In a clip from the fifth and final film in the series, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2, Bella is seen for the first time as the monster she so desperately wanted to become. (The image debuted more than a month ago in Target stores at the retailers' nationwide midnight DVD release party.)

"It's strange," the now red-eyed, pale-skinned Bella tells Edward in the clip. "Physically I feel like I could demolish a tank. Mentally I feel just drained."

Stewart, 21, spoke to MTV News in 2011 about her character's radical transformation. "The whole vampire thing -- I wasn't excited to be white and all that," she said. "I was really more excited to finally get her there because she wants it so bad."

The actress also hated wearing contact lenses for the role. "They are worst. The yellow ones sort of limit your vision even more, and so you feel a little bit more closed off," Stewart said. "That is one thing I can't wait to say goodbye to, is the contacts. They just kill you. [They give you] dead face."

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