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Snapshots: Rihanna & Drake get cosy in ‘Take Care’ music video

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Tuesday, March 13, 2012 | , , ,

Rihanna-Drake-get-cosy-in-Take-Care-music video

Drake has once again collaborated with the woman he harbours feelings for. Recently, he shot his ‘Take Care’ music video with Rihanna, who is also featured on the track.

Official stills from the Yoann Lemoine directed visual have now surfaced online. The would-be couple are seen in sweet embrace, cosying up in the forthcoming clip, set to premiere within the next few weeks. Saying that, I hope the video isn’t just Drake holding Rihanna. It’s cute but I want to see something more.

Rihanna-Drake-get-cosy-in-Take-Care-music video

Rihanna-Drake-get-cosy-in-Take-Care-music video

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