‘Really Want To See You Again’ sees the always on-point Aussie dance/pop duo channeling some familiar 90s music video references.
London-based film director Price James – who did Friendly Fires‘ ‘Paris’ music video – rendered a stylish, graphics-driven production that complements the modern pop song’s own textures.
Think clean cut geometrics, think flashes of bright colours like reds, yellows and blues that kind of remind me of Connect Four or other popular games played in our childhood.
In terms of fashion, it’s thankfully a tasteful side step away from happy pants and overalls. It’s a respectable combination of black and whites for the first half to go with the clean cut backdrop.
You can’t fault Ms Connie here. When she’s not serving her swerves and curves in those figure hugging dresses and catsuit – she’s letting you have Hungry Jacks couture in that yellow jacket and red dress combo. Then right behind her you have two back up dancers who won’t quit bringing sexy back with them long bike shorts.
A pleasant treat that’ll be sure to take over screens all over your local gym shortly.
Watch Sneaky Sound System‘s ‘Really Want To See You Again’: