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Snooki Is Pregnant, Weird-Looking On Us Cover

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Wednesday, March 7, 2012 | , ,


“OMG! I’m pregnant!” reads the headline of Snooki’s Us Weekly cover story. But sorry, magazine people, the only thing that’s surprising here is how weird they’ve made her look. Her normally cute, round face is all sharp angles, and the cups of that dress are too small for her boobs, and she’s holding her belly like she’s five months pregnant, not 15 weeks. But we do like that headline, if only because we can hear Snook’s voice saying it in our head.

Snooki, who also confirmed that she and Jionni LaValle are engaged, said they found out she was pregnant after New Year’s, which made her panic about the baby’s health. “‘S–t, I’ve been drinking!’ I was worried,” she told the magazine. “It was New Year’s Eve and we were in Vegas, so I did go crazy.”

But now the two 24-year-olds are determined to be responsible parents. “I have different priorities now,” she said, and she doesn’t care what the public has to say about her impending motherhood, “As long as I know I’m ready and he’s ready.”

“We are not going to screw this up,” Jionni added.

Well, good for you kids. We hope you stick to it. And we also hope the paycheck for this cover goes toward a totally sweet nursery for your tiny guido/ette. 

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