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Watch: (The Great Gatsby) Movie Trailer

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Thursday, May 24, 2012 | ,


“The Great Gatsby” has released its first official trailer.

The Warner Brothers Film follows an aspiring writer Nick Carraway ( Tobey Maguire) as he leaves the Midwest and comes to New York City in the spring of 1922. He ends up living next door to a mysterious
millionaire Jay Gatsby ( Leonardo DiCaprio) and becomes a witness to an epic downfall and tragedy.

The Baz Luhrmann directed film also stars A-list celebrities including Carey Mulligan, Isla Fisher, Jason Clarke, Elizabeth Debicki, Amitabh Bachchan and Joel Edgerton.

The 3-D adventure is a sight for the eyes and is set to release in theaters on December 25.

Watch the trailer below!

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