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Jennifer Aniston Shows Off Bikini Body in Capri

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Tuesday, July 3, 2012 | , ,

Jennifer Aniston had a beautiful vacation with her boyfriend Justin Theroux last month in Europe. They went to Paris and Rome. Also, while in Italy, the couple went for a five-day trip to the sunny island of Capri.

Us Weekly, obtained photos of Jennifer and Justin aboard a rented luxury yacht. The 43-year-old actress flaunted her toned body  in a skimpy two-piece bikini with a red top and black bottom.

According to sources, on June 19, the two “sunbathed but didn’t swim” aboard the Liberty of Lymington, which rents for $17,555 a week.

While in Capri, Jennifer and Justin staid at a $3,750-a-night suite at the JK Place hotel in Marina Grande.

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