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Jennifer Lopez's BF Casper Smart Talking About 'Rumors About His S*xuality'

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Wednesday, July 4, 2012 | , ,


Casper Smart hasn't responded to the rumors circulating about his s*xual orientation because he's hoping they will quickly be forgotten, say sources.

An insider tells OK!: "He's insisting that he is'nt offended by the rumors [that he's g*y] and is taking it all in stride. He's been telling people that it's funny and that it makes him laugh. Underneath it all, he may very well be bothered, but he's not going to let anyone see it."

Radar Online recently reported that dancer Joshua Lee Ayers, who worked with Casper in the 2010 movie Step Up 3D, has been trying to "out" Jennifer Lopez's boyfriend on Twitter for months. In one post, Joshua wrote about the couple: "I know that I know, Not love, a lot of business and public relations."

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