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About Lindsay Lohan cause : Jeweler in Theft Case Sells Key Evidence

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Sunday, March 6, 2011 | , ,


This weekend brings a major new wrinkle in the case against Lindsay Lohan, in which she's accused of felony theft by a jewelry store owner who says the actress stole a $2,500 necklace in

Kamofie & Co. has just sold the surveillance video allegedly showing Lindsay Lohan leaving their store with the unpaid merchandise, according to a new report from And the sale, reportedly brokered by a media dealer who peddled the footage to both U.S. and international outlets, is estimated to be earning the Southern California jeweler more than $35,000.

"The jewelry store wanted a bidding war to maximize profits," a source tells Radar. Entertainment Tonight is reportedly one buyer; the show is expected to air the controversial footage on Monday.

On the one hand, public scrutiny of the video could further embarrass the troubled actress, who left rehab in early January, after months of trying to resolve her legal woes so she can repair her image and revive her career.

On the other hand, the prosecution's case against Lohan is in jeopardy, now that its key witness has made such a money-hungry move. In the past, Lohan's team has suggested she was set up, and as the opportunistic jeweler walks off with thousands before the case is even tried, the store's claim that they were victims of theft weakens.

"Lindsay Lohan may have just gotten the luckiest break of her life,"'s managing editor and executive vice president, David Perel, tells PopEater. "If the criminal case comes down to her word versus the word of the jeweler, it will be Advatage: Lindsay. The jewelry store has now used the case for profit, and Lindsay's lawyer is sure to have a very compelling argument that the cash-for-tape scandal destroys the credibility of Lindsay's accuser."

And as for Lohan's attorey, Shawn Chapman Holley, Radar reports that the jeweler's lawyer contacted Holley last week about obtaining the defense's copy of the video -- allegedly in order to keep it from being shared or leaked, all in an effort to ensure top dollar for their own lucrative sale of the tape.

Both the prosecution and the defense are "not happy" about the sale of the footage. Lohan, meanwhile, is reportedly "terrified" of doing any jail time, but may be feeling hopeful if indeed the jeweler has sabotaged the case by selling key evidence. The 24-year-old film star's next court date is this Thurs., March 11.

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