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Bulgarian dancer reveal the secrets of their relationship to emotional With El-Saday Gadhafi

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Sunday, March 6, 2011 | ,


Bulgarian dancer revealed the secrets of emotional relationship with the Libyan leader's son Al Saadi Gaddafi, for a period of 6 years, a spokeswoman for printing some of secrets of Saadi, the

Libyan royal family, which is currently facing a popular revolution. 
And Root dancer Davinka Mirkayva (28 years) to the newspaper "The Mail Online the Sunday," the British Sunday, March 6 / March 2011 the story of their relationship Balsaeidi which whom he met in a nightclub "Pink Paradise" in Paris in 2004, where they lead their offer on, impressed by a lot, and asked to sit with them individually for a thousand pounds per hour. 

She said that Davinka Saadi (38 years) - the third son of Gaddafi - did not ask her to take off her clothes, but spent the time to talk to her, then asked her to accompany him to the "Disneyland" The next day on board his private plane, but they refused. And Root dancer how he declined to disclose the beginning of his true identity, but acknowledged at the end of the evening he called "Gaddafi." 

Saadi then began to walk by France every few weeks to meet and enjoy dancing with her and take her shopping finest French shops. Has been frequented by year and a half each time loaded with luxury gifts and love letters that had fallen in love, as she put it. 

After a period of Saadi told her that he would like to marry her, and quoted him to reject his father's expectations of their relationship together, saying: It would be difficult as long as his father alive, but he was determined to marry her. Divanka said: "After a year and a half of his insistence and fallen in love with after I felt safe." 

Revealed for the dancer and receive documents to prove 50 thousand pounds sterling have been converted to account in the bank, said he gave her a precious hour of $ 25 thousand pounds. "When we became lovers Say blasted to the French capital, and whenever it is we used to spend time shopping and staying in his hotel room; sterile, where he was a lot of alcohol." 
Refused sex 

Davinka said she was each time refused to have sex with him because she was unsure of the ease of getting a women, so it was necessary to protect themselves from it. 
Among the gifts bestowed by the dresses of the major fashion houses, and her band favorite music to sing at a special ceremony for them, noting that his favorite singer is a rapper "Fifty Cent". The Bugatti Saadi has violet-colored, worth about two million dollars. 

She said: "Saadi did not consider the price of things, not interested, there was always someone else pays the bill." And stated that he liked to call him Engineer Al Saadi, while his brother likes to call him Dr. Mutasim Mutasim. 
She noted that she had not seen him ever using drugs, but he offered her cocaine once in a private room in one of the nightclubs. 

In 2006, Saadi insisted on marrying her, was her condition to release the Bulgarian nurses, told her that he would speak with his brother, Saif, who was in the file, and have already confirmed their release in 2007 (which actually happened). Davinka says: "At this moment I do not know I was in the emancipation of the shares or that they will be released in all cases." 

In 2009, the pair drove to a safari in Tanzania, which is the only united, noting that he hates to take pictures. They noted that Saadi was much surprised when it was received biography of his father, but he did not utter anything; because if he uttered a bad word his father was prevented by the source of funds. 
Troy Davinka for escorts Saadi How was spent in one year only about 170 million pounds on its own aircraft and Iqamath in 5-star hotels, and luxury cars and women, jewelry and luxurious clothes.

She said: "Money is not an obstacle for him, he always carries with him a black bag full of cash, and if the outcome of these funds was related to the embassy, which was immediately sent him a bag full of thousands." 
She emphasized her novel leaks of documents and Chaeliks for the American ambassador in Libya in 2009, where he spoke about "the past Saadi bad, including the differences with the European police, and his drug addiction and attending concerts a lot, and travel abroad reverse the will of his father to stay in Libya." 
A love letter exchanged between the dancer and the Bulgarian-Saadi Gaddafi


Dancer Davinka Mirkayva. stipulated the release of the nurses to marry her


Saadi Gaddafi, during a trip to Tanzania


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