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Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Jet Off on a Romantic Vacation

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Tuesday, May 24, 2011 | , , ,


After their public display of affection at the Billboard Music Awards, where Justin Bieber officially called Selena Gomez his girlfriend, the couple have reportedly gone off on a romantic vacation.

The Daily Mail is reporting that the Bieber and Gomez are taking some well deserved time off in Hawaii. The couple was spotted walking to the beach in Maui on Monday.

"After working their asses off, they've carved out some serious time to hang out," a source told E! Online. "They're taking a well-deserved break together."

Bieber and Gomez are also planning to spend some quality time with their families, after the vacation.

Bieber just wrapped up his concert tour in Japan last week and Gomez was seen finishing the music video for her latest single, 'Love You Like a Love Song', last week.

Gomez's used pink tinted horses in the video shoot, which angered fellow singer Pink who tweeted, "If there are any animal activists around Malibu- at Leo Cabrillo State beach, there are horses being painted for a stupid music video. Shame."

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