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President, Michelle Obama Chat With Royal Couple

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Tuesday, May 24, 2011 | ,

As the Obamas continue their overseas tour in the U.K., they stopped at Buckingham Palace to meet the newlywed Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who are fresh off their Seychelles honeymoon.

According to PEOPLE, Prince William and Kate Middleton had a quick chat with President and Michelle Obama before the visiting Americans headed to a special luncheon hosted by Queen Elizabeth.

It is believed the couples talked about the recent Royal Wedding, and the Brit's upcoming California visit, scheduled for July.

However, though they are certainly worldwide celebrities, Will and Kate are not working members of the Royal Family and were not present on the steps of Buckingham Palace to officially greet the American President and First Lady with the Queen.

They were also absent from the special luncheon and will not attend tonight's State Banquet, where over 200 royals and dignitaries will gather for dinner.

Will and Kate recently returned from their honeymoon in the Seychelles, which is said to have cost $700,000.

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