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Photo : Kanye West Kisses Mystery Woman in Cannes

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Monday, May 16, 2011 | , ,

Movies and sun aren't the only thing Kanye West is soaking up in Cannes. The controversial rapper, who is in France for the Cannes Film Festival, is enjoying some affection from the fairer sex
as well. He was spotted kissing a mystery blonde on his hotel terrace on Sunday (May 15), and the pair didn't seem to mind putting on a show for photographers.

This throws a big question mark over rumors that West has been romancing beauty queen and former Miss Universe contender Angela Martini.

West, who split from former stripper/model Amber Rose last summer after two years together, has been embroiled in a war of words with his ex. Most recently, Rose told King magazine that her new boyfriend, Wiz Khalifa, is an upgrade from West.

"There's no comparison in personalities," she explained. "You know when people say, 'How do you go from Kanye to Wiz Khalifa, that's a downgrade.' But the only question I can ask them is: Have you ever dated Kanye? Because I have, and believe me, I did not downgrade at all. Not in any aspect, at all."

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