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'Teach Me How to Dougie' Singer Montae Talbert Dead

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Monday, May 16, 2011 | ,

Montae 'M Bone' Talbert of the 'Teach Me Hot to Dougie' famed group, Cali Swag District, has reportedly died, according to Radar Online.

Although authorities have yet to confirm the victim's name, it is believed that the young man fatally shot Sunday evening outside of an LA liquor store was, in fact, Talbert. A gun fight between to vehicles reportedly broke out before Talbert, 22, who was in one of the vehicles, was fatally wounded.

Speculation of Talbert's death was further substantiated when fellow Cali Swag District member, Smoove, tweeted, "Ma life changed drastically in the. Blink of an eye rip mbone."

The group catapulted into the spotlight when their 2010 club hit, 'Teach Me How to Dougie,' landed on the Billboard charts at number 28 and brought with it an equally contagious new dance -- Michelle Obama has even showed off her 'Dougie' moves.

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