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Sacha Baron Cohen Banned from Oscars

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Thursday, February 23, 2012 | ,

Doesn't sound like it. Sacha Baron Cohen has another envelope-pushing comedy to promote -- The Dictator, about a totalitarian despot who terrorizes his country -- and rumors suggested that the actor, 40, planned to hit Sunday's awards show dressed in the military garb of his character.

But reports that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences had outright banned Cohen (who is part of the cast of the film Hugo, nominated for 12 awards) from attending are untrue, an Academy rep told The Hollywood Reporter on Wednesday.

"We haven't banned him," the rep said. "We're just waiting to hear what he's going to do."

Still, the rep added, "We don't think it's appropriate" for Cohen to hit the event in costume, suggesting the star would be "hijacking" the red carpet to promote his film. "But his tickets haven't been pulled. We're waiting to hear back."


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