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Vin Diesel Posts New Riddick Photo On Facebook

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Tuesday, July 3, 2012 | ,


Vin Diesel’s latest project Riddick, has an online image available now thanks to the man himself.

Riddick is seen on an apparently desolate planet, where he has been left for dead, face partially covered with his weapons at the ready.

This third movie in the sci-fi franchise, sees Mercenary Riddick at the mercy of an alien race and as if that wasn’t bad enough, another gang of mercenaries have him in their sights and there’s a price tag on his head.

Diesel’s been doing his own promotion too, telling fans via Facebook, "You know I like to let you in on things, even before Hollywood knows..." says Diesel. "Haha... Last night I was invited in to the editing room, to see the first cut of the new Riddick... WOW!!! P.s. I was so affected/excited... I couldn't sleep. GRRRR!!!"

Movie is released here in the UK 2013.


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