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Anderson Cooper: I’m G*y

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Tuesday, July 3, 2012 | ,


Anderson Cooper is g*y and proud to be! Amazingly, Cooper opened up about his s*xual orientation in a letter to Andrew Sullivan.

Sullivan is doing a story for The Daily Beast about the social impact of famous people who confessed to be g*y.

“There continue to be far too many incidences of bullying of young people, as well as discrimination and violence against people of all ages, based on their s*xual orientation. I believe there is value in making clear where I stand. The fact is, I’m g*y, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud. I have always been very open and honest about this part of my life with my friends, my family, and my colleagues. In a perfect world, I don’t think it’s anyone else’s business, but I do think there is value in standing up and being counted. I’m not an activist, but I am a human being and I don’t give that up by being a journalist”, the 45-year-old CNN anchor.

Cooper is the primary anchor of the CNN news show Anderson Cooper 360°.  As of September 2011, he also serves as host of his own daytime talk show, ‘Anderson’.

Cooper, a descendent of the Vanderbilt family, has always said that he preferred to stay away from the media attention and keep his personal life private.

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