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Channing Tatum Hates Alex Pettyfer

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Monday, July 9, 2012 | , ,


Apparently Alex Pettyfer and Channing Tatum are good friends. They teamed up in ‘Magic Mike’, but “they had massive fights on set”.

According to Us Weekly, the 32-year-old actor hates his 22-year-old co-star Pettyfer. “Channing thought Alex was a diva on set”, a source told Us.
The source claims the fights are only Pettyfer’s blame.  “Alex was a jerk to everyone during filming for no reason. He thinks he’s the star of the movie, not Channing or Matthew McConaughey”, the source explained.

‘Magic Mike’ directed by Steven Soderbergh also stars Cody Horn, Olivia Munn, Joe Manganiello, and Matt Bomer.

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