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Kristin Chenoweth Hospitalized Due To Accident On Set

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Thursday, July 12, 2012 | , ,


While working on the Brooklyn, NY set of her latest show "The Good Wife," Kristin Chenoweth was reportedly hospitalized after being struck in the head by a scaffold.

According to a report put out by TMZ on Wednesday (July 11), a witness from the scene claims the blonde beauty was working in a dangerous area when the incident occurred saying, "That area is vortex for wind ... and a big gust of wind blew the lighting off the scaffolding."

After getting hit "square in the head", the witness further explained the actress was "knocked out cold" after hitting her head on the concrete adding, "I thought she was dead at first."

A 911 call was placed immediately upon the incident and Chenoweth was transported to an area hospital via an FDNY ambulance. According to the New York Fire Dept., the victim was treated for "minor injuries."

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