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Sofia Vergara, Nick Loeb Engaged To Be Married

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Wednesday, July 11, 2012 | , ,


Sofia Vergara is going to get married. The actress who turned 40 today is engaged to Nick Loeb. Just weeks after they split and quickly reconciled, the two are ready for a bigger commitment.

According to Wonderwall, the ‘Modern Family’ actress flaunted a diamond sparkler. Perfect way to celebrate! Sofia is currently enjoying a birthday vacation at a Mexico resort.

Sofia began dating Nick at a Golden Globes party in 2010. They split n early May, though they reunited just a few weeks later. “They have a crazy relationship. They break up and make up. They fight and make up hard!” one source revealed about the couple.

Previously, Sofia was married to Joe Gonzalez. They have a 20-year-old son Manolo.

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