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Courteney Cox and Brad Pitt Meet for Dinner

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Friday, May 6, 2011 | , ,

Brad Pitt joined his ex-wife's best friend Courteney Cox for dinner on Wednesday--but it's not as scandalous as it sounds.

The two stars joined 12 other people at Hollywood hotspot Beso for a dinner party celebrating their manager Cynthia Pett-Dante's birthday, PEOPLE reports. In fact, 'Eastbound and Down' star Danny McBride was also there.

"They hugged and kissed when they greeted each other," an onlooker told PEOPLE. "They talked for a while."

"They were chatting, catching up," the witness added. "They both seemed happy and totally relaxed, very at ease. And they were both smiling the entire time. It didn't seem awkward at all."

Cox and Pitt didn't sit next to each other at the meal but did get to spend some time together catching up. No word on whether they chatted about Jennifer Aniston. The eyewitness also reports that Pitt chowed on a steak and sipped a beer and even sat at the bar with the patrons for a little bit. "He was really cool."

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