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Lady Gaga Sings Oprah Winfrey a Farewell Tune (VIDEO)

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Friday, May 6, 2011 | , ,

Both Lady Gaga and Oprah Winfrey are counting down the days. Gaga has a new album, 'Born This Way,' coming out May 23. A couple of days later, on May 25, the last 'Oprah Winfrey Show'
(weekdays, syndicated) will air. So it was a nice bit of cross-promotion for Lady Gaga to come on the show and sing Winfrey a farewell song.

Dressed like a Klingon widow and sitting at a keyboard horned into a giant golden shoe, Gaga regaled the audience with a refrain about Winfrey's 25 years, set over cheesy power chord rock, repeating the phrase "you and I" a lot for some unclear reason. Did we mention the church windows? Yes, there were church windows.

Gaga and Oprah (an introduction Letterman would loved to have made) then embraced. In a nifty little plug for the album, Winfrey said, "You've encouraged people to be comfortable being born the way they are." If this is true, Gaga owes mom a big Mother's Day present for being born in a plastic-looking blazer with big pointy shoulders.

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