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Kate Moss on Kate Middleton: She's So Chic!

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Thursday, May 19, 2011 | , ,

What does the most stylish woman in all of England think of the most famous woman in all of England? "Oh I love her!" Kate Moss said of the other celebrated Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge in The Daily Telegraph.

And what did the supermodel say about Middleton and the royal wedding? "She was so chic and seamless. And just beautiful, it was just as a royal wedding should be." Not a bad critique from one of fashion's VIPs.

The 37-year-old beauty also revealed in the interview where she watched the big event--and with whom. "In the country, with loads of friends and kids who were all crying. There were tears. We were like "ok, you can marry Harry!"

When asked if she'd like to be made a Dame for all she's done for fashion, Moss replied, "Ha ha. Can you imagine? I'm too young to be made a Dame. A Dame's for old women. Like Margaret Thatcher... I'd quite like to be Lady Kate. But I'm happy just as I am."

And showing her good humor, Moss admited in the interview there is something she hasn't been able to do, even with all her success. "Well I wasn't in [George Michael's] Freedom video... I just missed it. That would have been amazing."

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