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Janet Jackson Offers Bobbi Kristina Advice About Whitney Houston’s Passing

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Wednesday, February 15, 2012 | , ,

Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson were both wildly famous African-American pop stars who died under tragic circumstances. It was only a matter of time before someone made the comparison. That the person comparing them happens to be Janet Jackson is somewhat of a
surprise; that her advice for Whitney’s daughter Bobbi Kristina will make you cry is not. “You have to come to terms at some point. You have to actually give it up to God,” Jackson tells Anderson Cooper during an Anderson interview set to air Monday. “It sounds so mean, but you have to move on. You can’t hold onto that because it can be very devastating.” No, mean isn’t the word for it, Janet. “Devastating,” maybe? “Sob-inducing”?

Bobbi Kristina allegedly had a “nervous breakdown” following her mother’s death on Saturday, getting admitted to the hospital twice before returning to the care of father Bobby Brown for recuperation. In her interview, Janet Jackson takes great pains to explain why Whitney Houston‘s death might feel significantly different than MJ’s passing. “I lost my brother, she lost her mother. There’s a difference. I don’t know what that’s like being so young,” Jackson admits, finally concluding, “There’s never a day, not one day has gone by where I don’t think about my brother.” Oh, yup, we were right. Bring on the slow, steady weeping!

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