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Beyonce and Jay-Z warn Rihanna she can't visit Blue if she's seeing Chris

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Friday, March 16, 2012 | , , , , ,


The couple are not fans of her ex-boyfriend after he left her battered and bruised in 2009.

Bajan singer Rihanna has had to take a lot of criticism after reports emerged that she's been getting close to ex Chris Brown following their sexually charged Birthday Cake collaboration.

Now magazine report Jay-Z and Beyoncé Knowles are so against the star spending time with Chris that they have given her a shock ultimatum: “Stay away from Chris or you can't see baby Blue!”

Jay-Z's not only Rihanna's mentor, he's also like an older brother.

His friend revealed: “He got Beyoncé to tell Rihanna he doesn't want her around the baby if she takes Chris back.

“He wants Blue to have positive role models, not someone who'd take back a man who hit her.”

The ‘We Found Love’ hitmaker has been growing close to Chris, 22, over the past year since her restraining order against him was lifted.

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