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Jay-Z and Kanye West Settle Copyright Infringement Lawsuit

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Monday, March 12, 2012 | , , ,

After teaming up to put an album together, rappers Kanye West and Jay-Z ended up having to settle a federal lawsuit over one of their songs.

The duo's track titled "The Joy" wound up getting the pair sued by Sly Johnson for using a sample of his hit "Different Strokes" in their song.

Kanye supposedly tried to get permission to use the sample on his album "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy," but couldn't go about it the legal way in time. Then, when it showed up on Kanye and Jay-z's album "Watch The Throne", Johnson took notice and proceeded forth with legal action.

Now, after a period of negotiations, TMZ is reporting that the lawsuit has just been dismissed thanks to the two sides reaching a settlement for an undisclosed amount of cash.

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