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See Kim Kardashian With Short Blonde Bob, Fiery Red Bangs

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Sunday, March 11, 2012 | , , ,

Kim Kardashian posted two photos to her Instagram account Friday showing off two very different looks. "Do blondes have more fun?" she asked after uploading a picture of herself wearing a short bob wig.

Kris Humphries' ex-wife then followed up by posting a picture of herself wearing a fiery red wig with blunt bangs.

Though her colorful hairstyles were just for fun, the hard-working star did slightly change up her look in January (thanks to Rebecca Friedman, co-owner of the Goodform Salon in Hollywood).

"I swear I love changing my hair up," Kardashian told Us Weekly of her lightened locks. "It makes me feel like a new me!"

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