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Katy Perry's Dad Talks Reason For Divorce

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Monday, March 12, 2012 | , ,

Katy Perry's dad, Keith Hudson, just can't seem to stop talking to the press. The fundamentalist pastor -- who in the past received ire for his anti-semitic remarks and off-color statements about his famous daughter's divorce -- told Us Weekly that he harbors no ill feelings toward Perry's ex-husband, Russell Brand.

"There are no hard feelings towards Russell -- I just received a text from him the other day in fact. He is a wonderful and smart guy," Hudson told the magazine.

On why the power couple split, Hudson continued: "Her career got real busy and she did not get to see that much of Russell -- it was just one of those things."

Brand, 36, filed for divorce from Perry, 27, on December 30, 2011; the couple had been married less for than two years. In January, Hudson and wife (Perry's mother) Mary administered a sermon where they suggested that their daughter's divorce had been sent by God. Shortly thereafter, Perry tweeted: "Concerning the gossip, I want to be clear that NO ONE speaks for me. Not a blog, magazine, 'close sources' or my family."

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