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Rihanna offer congratulations to Snooki

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Monday, March 12, 2012 | , , ,


For a "Rude Girl," Rihanna sure put on a polite face to offer congratulations to an expecting Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi. After Rihanna showed her support at Brad Pitt's Make It Right Foundation fund-raiser, the singer was asked what she thought about Snooki's plus one status.

"That's dope," she told reporters, according to Radar Online. "We need more Snookis in the world."

But Rihanna isn't the only one in Snooki's corner when it comes to her forthcoming career move -- motherhood.

"Any mom, whether they're 40 or 24, doesn't know what it is like until the baby is there," Snooki's "Jersey Shore" roommate Vinny Guadagnino told The Huffington Post. "Everyone can talk about how irresponsible she is and how she drinks, but you don't know how she'll be when the baby comes out."

The pint-size guidette's former frenemy and Season 1 and 2 housemate, Angelina Pivarnick, offered up her services once the baby meatball is born.

"I love kids and wish her a very good pregnancy," Pivarnick told The Huffington Post. "Maybe one day I'll babysit. What I went through when I was pregnant was horrible. I just hope all this media pressure doesn't have a toll on her and the baby."

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