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Kim Kardashian and Kanye West tried dating admits Khloe Kardashian

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Wednesday, March 14, 2012 | , , ,

There have been rumours for quite some time now that reality television star Kim Kardashian and rapper Kanye West almost dated and now the rumours have been confirmed. Kim’s sister Khloe Kardashian has admitted that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West tried dating.
Kardashian explained, "They were talking and trying to go on a date here and there, but it just didn't work out. I know they hung out, but I know it's never gotten to there (turned romantic)." Khloe then admitted that she believed that Kim and Kanye would actually make a very good couple together.

She added, “I genuinely think that because we have so much in common - like our families, losing parents and we do have a lot of connections - I think that if they were to go there, it would be a long relationship.”

Kim Kardashian has previously been accused, by Kanye West’s ex girlfriend Amber Rose, that she was responsible for the couple splitting up. Amber Rose has since apologised to Kim Kardashian for making the public remarks but still stands by what she said.

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