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Nicki Minaj gunning for Jay-Z

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Wednesday, March 14, 2012 | , , ,


Rapper Nicki Minaj has revealed how she aims to become the top dog on the rap scene and has joked that she is gunning for current rap superstar Jay-Z. Nicki claims, in an interview with Allure, that she has never been just about the music and has always looked at her career as a business.

Minaj explained, "I never thought about music as just being the end-all, be-all. I always looked at it like a business, something that I could create an empire out of. So that's why I'm only about to put out my second album and I'm already thinking about this.” She then claimed that she has informed Jay-Z that she is gunning for him.


Nicki added, "I had a little conversation with Jay-Z at the Victoria's Secret fashion show. He said, 'Congratulations on all your success.' And I was like, 'Yeah, I'm coming for you. I'm coming for your spot, Mr. Mogul'."

Nicki Minaj was recently praised by former X Factor star Cher Lloyd as being the only female rapper who is really relevant right now. Nicki Minaj is set to release Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded on April 2 in the UK and April 3 in the US.


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