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Lindsay Lohan Hit a Man with Her Car and Fled the Scene

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Wednesday, March 14, 2012 | , ,

Was Lindsay Lohan involved in a hit and run? That's the new report this morning, but it may not be as bad as it sounds.

She's so close to completing her probation, but Lindsay has found herself back in the headlines.

A Los Angeles Police Department spokesman tells E! News that officers responded to a call just before 1 a.m. from a man claiming Lindsay's car "brushed up" against him in a parking lot near Hookah Lounge in Hollywood.

Lindsay and her crew were trying to leave the parking lot as paparazzi and fans surrounded her vehicle.

As the car pulled out, it allegedly "brushed" up against the man before driving off.

The police do not know who was driving the car, but said no charges have been filed and no injuries occurred.

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