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Madonna Draws Criticism from Malawi's Government

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Wednesday, March 14, 2012 | , ,

After abandoning plans to build a school in Malawi last year, government officials are turning their heads as Madonna recently announced she now wants to build several educational facilities in the poor country.

The "Material Girl" - who adopted two children from the African country - has said that she's ready to build ten schools in the area, but the Malawi government is still upset after she backed out of plans to build a girls' school near the capital of Lilongwe.

Madonna allegedly never talked to the academy before dropping the plans so, after her recent announcement, Malawi’s Ministry of Education spokeswoman Lindiwe Chide is speaking up and saying that the government is “fed up” with the 53-year-old pop icon.

“Now she decides to announce that she plans to build 10 schools without getting authority from us again, we now feel like this is all about propping up her global image and not in our interest,” Chide told.

Although Madge has yet to comment on the controversy, Lindiwe warned, “She has no mandate to decide where she wants to build a school because she doesn’t know our needs and where we want new schools… she first needed to consult us, get permission from us before doing anything.”

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