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Rihanna gives Chris Brown an ultimatum

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Wednesday, March 14, 2012 | , , ,


The battle between Rihanna and Chris Brown’s new girlfriend Karrueche Tran is hotting up it seems.
After having a pop at each other on Twitter recently, RiRi has now decided to try and get Chris to dump her. She’s told her violent ex-boyfriend to break-up with the half-Vietnamese model within the next two weeks or else she’ll never speak to him again. Sounds mature doesn't it?
And of course if he does split with her, then Rihanna has promised to reunite with him. A source has told a tabloid today:

"Rihanna wants to be with Chris. She has told him to get rid of Karrueche within two weeks. There’s a good chance Chris would be with Rihanna if she could be open about it.

“But until she’ll walk a red carpet on his arm, he won’t think about taking Karrueche out of the picture.”
In that case we hope two weeks pass without any relationships ending because we are sick to death of the names Rihanna and Chris Brown being mentioned in the same sentence together.

Anyway here are some pictures of Rihanna out last night in NY with a beanie on, which apparently she’s wearing to cover terrible roots.




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