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Rihanna Works Her Way Around Being Topless In Public

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Tuesday, March 13, 2012 | , ,


We get it, Rihanna. You’re a provocateur. You’re cool. You push the boundaries while many far lesser mortals merely tow the line. But do your dinner companions really need to see the girls for you to prove that? Because they so totally did, thanks to what RiRi wore to catch a bite at Da Silvano in New York City
over the weekend. While the sleeves and shoulders of her long-sleeved shirt were opaque, the front was, inexplicably, made of a completely sheer, netted material.

 And Rihanna decided to forgo wearing a bra, which is why we had to blur out the goods in the photos above. Because, trust us when we say, they were quite on display. 
While we’re in awe of what amazing shape she’s in, we didn’t expect to get such a clear look at her anatomy. Perhaps “Rihanna” and “topless” are working together to become synonymous?

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