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Watch : Tom Hanks Narrates President Obama's 'The Road We've Traveled'

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Friday, March 16, 2012 | ,

Sure to stir up a bit of controversy from across the aisle, the Tom Hanks-narrated "The Road We've Traveled" ad/documentary for Barack Obama has been released.

The 17-minute films reflects upon the Mr. Obama's first term in office - specifically placing focus on the achievements of his presidency, including the killing of Osama bin Laden as well as the improving economy.

Featuring interviews with former President Bill Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden, among other notables, the Davis Guggenheim-directed clip finds a A-list voice through narration by Hanks.

Since its release, "The Road We've Traveled" has drawn serious criticism from both sides of the political spectrum, as many deemed the video to be a less than accurate depiction of Obama's successes.

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