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Casey Anthony: I Didn't Kill My Daughter

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Thursday, June 14, 2012 | ,


She’s been staying out of the media ever since being acquitted of killing her daughter Caylee, and now Casey Anthony has broken her silence.

The 26-year-old former murder suspect told Piers Morgan that she still maintains her innocence- "I did not kill my daughter. There's nothing in this world I've ever been so proud of. There's no one I loved more than my daughter. She's my greatest accomplishment."

Regarding her partying ways, Anthony noted,"I don't drink now. I've probably had a handful of beers since I've been on probation. I've never done drugs, apart from a little bit of marijuana in my early 20s."

And as for her past mistakes, Casey confessed, "I didn't trust law enforcement because of my relationship with my father, who is ex law enforcement himself. I didn't give them the benefit of the doubt, which is probably why they didn't give me the benefit of the doubt."

Looking ahead, Casey says she’s hoping to move past her mistakes. "The public perception of me is bad, absolutely horrible. I was a stupid kid. I've never been a 'party girl,' and I've gone through hell. I'm ashamed in many ways of the person I was."

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