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Listen: KeSha (Supernatural) New Single

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Wednesday, June 6, 2012 | , , ,


It’s always great to hear new material from Ke$ha, and her producer Dr. Luke just leaked a snip from her new single.

The song is called “Supernatural,” and it’s the first taste of the “Cannibal” songstress’ forthcoming album.

Speaking of which, Ke$ha told press that she’s going for a very specific vibe on her new record, and it’s going to be wild.

“The underlying theme of this next record is warrior, with the positive message being that everyone has a warrior inside … Some people will be shocked [by its sound]. Some will also be excited to know that I don’t just do silly white-girl rap.”

“I’m from the South, I have a lot of soul. But trust me – it’s not going to be some avant-garde jazz record. I innately write pop songs. That’s just what I do.”

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