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Octomom Becomes a Stripper

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Wednesday, June 6, 2012 | , ,


Octomom has a new job as a stripper. According to TMZ, the mother-of-14 signed for a gig at T’s Lounge in West Palm Beach, Florida. We are talking about a job as a stripper and we can’t wait to see it.

It looks like Nadya Suleman will perform two shows a night from July 11-15. The good news for Octomom is that, while T’s Lounge is all-nude, she will only be asked to perform topless. She would also be shy enough to say “no thanks” to the lap dances.

The news about the stripper thing comes soon after Octomom starred in her first porn movie. So she’s going to promote her upcoming movie by stripping. The movie is expected to be released this summer. While she looked a little bit embarrassed at first, Octomom proved to be a natural while filming the pom movie. So stripping would be a piece of cake for her.

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