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Pregnant Snooki Tweets High School Photos

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Friday, June 1, 2012 | , , ,


Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi opened up about her high school years in a recent interview with V magazine, observing of her freshmen clique, "We were all pretty girls in cheerleading and stuff."

And when the expectant guidette shared some old photos courtesy of Papa Polizzi this week, we had to admit that teenage Snooki was quite cute. The pictures reveal a fresh-faced Snooks with sunny highlights in her long mane.


We've, of course, already seen photos of Snooki in her cheerleading uniform.

The pint-size "Jersey Shore" star, who is expecting her first child with fiance Jionni LaValle, has had a lot to tweet about lately, aside from this walk down memory lane. She has been promoting her new novel, "Gorilla Beach," and chronicling the growth of her baby bump.

She recently expressed hope that her baby-to-be will turn out to be "a dedicated cheerleader like mommy or a strong wrestler like daddy." (We now know that she is expecting a little boy.)

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