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Usher ‘Lemme See' Feat. Rick Ross (Music Video)

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Friday, June 15, 2012 | , ,


Usher, continuing to promote his just released new album, premiered his lack luster music video tonight for urban single ‘Lemme See’ on BET’s ’106 & Park’. Usher plays a raunchy game with his lady which involves
some rope bondage and having her mark left on him literally. A shirtless Rick Ross and his infamous mammary glands are paraded around for the entire world to see (and puke). The only thing on him missing was a bloody bra.  The creative inadequacies in this video was merely the appetiser. Where was the main meal eh? In the same week, Usher dropped the visual for his dance/pop single ‘Scream’. His promotion has been pretty decent, so the fact that he’s predicted to sell less than 150k is pretty daunting. Hopefully, sales pick up as the week goes by.

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