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Natasha Giggs tweets picture of daring new back tattoo

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Monday, February 13, 2012 | , ,

The mother-of-two was proud to strip off and show the tattoo, which runs the length of her back, as she tweeted alongside the picture: 'New's not finished yet', adding the hashtag #addictivepain.

The body ink features a swirling pattern of stars which starts from her right shoulder, going all the way down her back and across her hips. On her neck is a more romantic themed tattoo, which has the words 'Follow your heart' beneath a pink heart shape.

The brunette beauty has not shied away from the social networking site despite having to call the police over death threats she received from a user.

Natasha has been working on getting her life back together since her eight-year affair with footballer Ryan Giggs came out last year. 

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