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Rihanna tones down bad girl image with sexy secretary look

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Monday, February 13, 2012 | , ,


Rihanna decided to tone down her bad girl image for a night dressed like a subdued secretary - but she still managed to add some s*x appeal by wearing a see-through skirt.

The We Found Love singer headed out for dinner with friends to Pizzeria Mozza restaurant in Los Angeles in her attire.

She certainly seems to be having more fun since dying her hair blonde last week, having been pictured out on a number of nights recently.

But last night, rather than donning thigh-skimming shorts or knee-high leather boots, she opted for a plain black pencil skirt that rested just above her knee, a simple white blouse and some metallic silver stilettos.

The Barbadian beauty added a touch of Rihanna-ness to her ensemble with lashings of red lipstick but she appeared to have taken a step back from her usual daring outfits.

However, on closer inspection, it was more than just red lippy that Rihanna used to sex-up her outfit as the skirt was somewhat see-through.


Under the bright lights of the flashing paps' bulbs, where RiRi had tucked in her shirt, it was clearly visible underneath the black material.

It's a good job she doesn't have an office job where this kind of attire would be the norm as nobody around her would get any work done.

Earlier in the week, the 23-year-old was spotted out in black porn star-style hat, transparent black body and low-cut jeans for a night out at Greystone Manor nightclub in LA.

But it was rumoured her ex Chris Brown was also at the club and gossip that they were set to rekindle their rocky romance emerged when he tweeted a cryptic message as they reportedly partied alongside each other,


Brown admitted on Twitter that he 'can't stop lookin', which could suggest that she had caught his eye in her barely-there getup.

At the same time, she herself tweeted: 'What a crazy night?!!'

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