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Miley Cyrus Responds to Religious Backlash

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Thursday, March 8, 2012 | , ,

The public gets mad when a celeb decries Christ, but then an evangelical like Kirk Cameron comes along, and we still get mad. I guess we’re looking for our celebrities’ religious beliefs to fall somewhere between Kirk Cameron and Miley Cyrus. We’re very particular.

Anyway, Miley Cyrus caused a crapstorm when she Tweeted a quote from someone else. It was a physicist, Lawrence Krauss, and the quote read: “You are all stardust. You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because the elements (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, all the things that matter for evolution) weren’t created at the beginning of time. They were created in stars. So forget Jesus. Stars died so you can live.”

So a bunch of Miley fans who also happened to be Christians got pissed off about it. Miley then asked a question that people have been asking for centuries:

“How can people take the love out of science and bring hate into religion so easily?”

The singer continued: “It makes me sad to think the world is this way. Like Einstein says, ‘Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.’”

But don’t worry, she’s not that sad about it. Since then, Miley Tweeted to ‘Pretty Little Liars’ star Lucy Hale: “Your adorbs and I heart you!”

The Holy War takes a breather thanks to totally adorbs actresses.

Meanwhile, Cyrus appeared on the rebooted version of the MTV series ‘Punk’d.’ The prank? She tricks boyfriend Liam Hemsworth into thinking two strangers are boning in the back of her car.

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