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Kim Kardashian Lands at LAX, Debuts Family (Hypnotize) Music Video

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Sunday, June 3, 2012 | , , ,


Kim Kardashian touched down at LAX Airport in Los Angeles earlier today

Clad in a sheerly fabulous black and grey striped dress, the 31-year-old worked her way through the terminal and out to an awaiting ride while tweeting, "Back in LA! So overcast"

Having flown in following a short visit to Pennsylvania, Kim messaged of her Keystone State stop, "I think that was the quickest Philly trip for @QVC last night! Thanks to everyone who tuned into the show! Was a fun one! #K-Dash"

The brunette beauty also posted a link to a newly released music video (watch below!) put together in Dominican Republic by her reality TV family, of which she wrote, "Our newest family music video!!! Hypnotize by B.I.G. Shot in the Dominican Republic!!!"

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