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Eva Longroia 'Thrilled' Victoria Beckham Asked Her To Be Godmother To Harper

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Saturday, June 2, 2012 | , , ,


Victoria Beckham has asked good friend Eva Longoria to be godmother to her baby daughter, Harper Seven.Eva Longoria

And the Desperate Housewives actress has revealed that she can't wait to get stuck in to her special role.

'I'm absolutely thrilled,' Eva, 37, tells the Daily Mirror. 'Harper is simply adorable.'
Eva Longroia 'Thrilled' Victoria Beckham Asked Her To Be Godmother To Harper
Victoria and husband David, 37, are reportedly planning a christening close to their Hertfordshire home for 11-month-old Harper Seven later this summer.

Eva, who became close friends with Victoria, 38, after the former Spice Girl moved to LA, helped organise her baby shower last year.

Victoria tweeted her thanks to the star after the shower, saying: 'Such a lovely day!!!thank u so much @EvaLongoria and @KenPaves for being such wonderful friends. Baby showers are so much fun!!!!!!!x vb' 

Victoria has recently been discussing how glum she looks in photographs. She told the German edition of Interview magazine: "Yes, I created this persona and I'm very different from that. I don't feel like I have to scream and shout about it - I know I am a happy person. So I don't get upset when people comment on the fact that I look quite miserable all the time. But people think I am."

Victoria even went as far as to say that she often agrees, telling the magazine: "And you know, sometimes I think the same thing when I look at the pictures." 

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