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Victoria Beckham is Ambassador for (This is GREAT Britain)

By Unknown | 0 Comments | Sunday, June 3, 2012 | , ,


Victoria Beckham is featured in the newest promotional video for the 'This is GREAT Britain' campaign.

Although she currently lives in Los Angeles, CA with her adorable family and hunky husband David Beckham, the UK diva was born and raised in Hertforshire, which is just north of London.

The 38-year-old star acts as an ambassador for the new campaign and shares, “My brand is British, my team are all British, you can feel the energy as you're driving through London,” adding, “'I remember when I was younger I used to love going to Camden Market on a Sunday, the energy, the atmosphere, it's really multi-cultural. That is more inspiring than anything.”

Finally, the former Spice Girl said, “You know, in Britain, we don't feel the need to conform, we dance to the beat of our own drum, we're individual, we're passionate, we're very very creative.

“In Britain we have some incredible brands, when you look at Burberry, Stella McCartney, Alexander McQueen, Mackintosh, Hunter - we have really cool, quality British brands and I'm really proud to consider myself one of those.”

Check out the full video below!

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